About Jesus

All Cities Is For All People


We know, it may seem cliche' to say, but it is so true. You matter! You were created with a specific design in mind, part of that purpose is a relationship with Christ. You were designed to have a real and meaningful friendship with Him.

Jesus loves you soo much that He sacrificed Himself for you. He died on a cross at a place called skull hill. He gave Himself up to save you from eternal separation from Him. He wants to know you personally and he wants to be your friend. We know that may seem foreign or strange to a lot of people. But, 2nd Timothy 1:9 says He has saved us and called us to a holy life—not because of anything we have done but because of his own purpose and grace.

This grace was given to us in Christ Jesus before the beginning of time. You were set apart before the beginning of time! We know life gets rough, it doesn't make sense 99% of the time. We all have that void, that space deep inside us that we are trying to fill. We are here to tell you, YOU HAVE A GOD SHAPED HOLE. Only a relationship with Him can fill the void that you feel.


God has made it so simple to accept His gift of grace and salvation that a lot of times it seems difficult. Romans 10:13 says “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” You simply have to call upon His name, speak to him (we know that can seem odd) but it's just like talking to any other friend. If you want to start a relationship with God, just speak these simple words.

God, I feel empty, I need you to fill the void I have deep inside of me. I want to live the life You have planned for me, because I realize doing it my way isn't working anymore. I'm thankful for the sacrifice You made on the cross for me and I want to learn to live in Your grace and love. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.


If you just prayed that prayer for the first time or maybe you've been off track for a while and you've decided to start fresh

Please fill out the form below and let us know. We would love to speak with you about your awesome decision and help you with your next steps. If you don't own a bible we have one to give you, if you do own one, now is the time to open it up and start reading!

Jesus says in Luke that if you just prayed that prayer, all of heaven is rejoicing for you, all of heaven is in full on party mode because you decided to give your life to Christ!

We want to celebrate with you too! Let us know about your decision!